Publishing a Book? 10 Tips on How to Sell It
Biff Barnes
You have probably seen every marketing, promotional and sales trick in the book in the run up to Black Friday and Cyber Monday. As an author, particular a self-publishing author, you may be asking yourself, how can I make my campaign to sell my book stand out in the blizzard of marketing messages?
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Here are ten great tips from around the web to help you do just that.
The Difference Between Marketing and Publicity on Jane Friedman: Writing, Reading and Publishing in the Digital Age
Launching That New Book, Yvonne Hertzberger on Indies Unlimited
Book Marketing 101 on Jane Friedman: Writing, Reading and Publishing in the Digital Age
5 Easy Ways to Promote Your Book, Meghan Ward on Writerland
My Advice on Hiring and Working with a Publicist on Jane Friedman: Writing, Reading and Publishing in the Digital Age
Book Distribution: How to Make the Most of Direct Sales, Joanna Penn on The Creative Penn
How to Sell Books with Amazon Book Reviews, Cate Baum on The Self-Publishing Review
Are Writing Contests and Book Reviews Worth It?, Janice Hardy on The Other Side of the Story
Art of the Amazon Sale: Improved Rankings, Selling More Books & Gaining Exposure on Lindsay Buroker
Using ARCs to Create a Buzz Before You Launch Your Book, Biff Barnes on The Stories To Tell Books Blog
Share you best marketing tip below.