Important Choices for Self-Publishing Authors, Part 2
Biff Barnes
If you’re a self-publishing author, you have some important choices to make. In this blog series, we are discussing the pros and cons to help you with the most important decisions you’ll need to know about:
(courtesy of BK under Creative Commons)
Is self-publishing a DIY project? Or should you hire others to help with editing, book design, publishing, distribution, publicity and marketing?
Beginning authors see the “self” in self-publishing and think it must be a DIY project; that they have a long learning curve ahead to master every step of the process. That’s not always the case; in fact, almost all experienced self-publishing writers take a team approach.
Authors have one important thing in common – the ability to write. But they may not have the technical skills that are required for both publishing and marketing, and they may not have experience with the tasks of running a business. In fact, most authors do not recognize their book projects as a small business enterprise, which is exactly what successful (commercial) self-publishing is all about.
Does this sound intimidating? has some valuable business advice for authors who want to self-publish their books: get professional help. A recent study showed that authors who got help with editing, copy editing and proof reading saw their earnings increase 13%. Authors who hired professional book designers, as well as editors, saw their books earn 34% more than the average for a self-published book. :
- Forbes reports that more than 2/3 of those who spent money on help producing their book recouped their cost within the first 12 months.
- However, “authors who did their own editing and cover design made only 38% of the average” amount earned by self-published books
If you missed the first post in this series, click here.
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