Best Business, Promotion and Marketing Tips for Writers
Biff Barnes
This collection of tips, ideas and tools will help you to create a buzz about your book and keep up with new developments in the business of writing and publishing.
Courtesy of Erik Strandberg under Wikimedia Commons
Best Business Advice for Writerstips, September 2013 Jane Friedman, the web editor of The Virginia Quarterly and former publisher of Writer’s Digest devotes a post on her excellent blog to a roundup of links to good business advice for writers.
5 Ways to Promote Your Book, author Meghan Ward offers social media tips on her blog Writerland.
Smart Marketing With Twitter, author Nicholas Forristal, on the Indies Unlimited site, tells us how to put together and automate a Twitter strategy to promote your book. You’ll learn how to quickly and easily expand the reach of your message.
How to Promote Your Book Like a Pro, author Phil Bolsta on the Triumph of the Spirit blog presents a link-filled guide to successful promotional techniques.
How Authors and Publishers Can Work Together to Sell More Books, Jane Friedman discusses the ins and outs of Amazon’s Kindle MatchBook Program
Thinking About an Audiobook Edition of Your Book? Check This Out! Our own Stories To tell Books Blog post offering an introduction to’s Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) a new marketplace to connect authors, audiobook producers and performers.
Add your own business or promotional tip for writers. Leave a comment below.